I am so sick of older women (aged between 35 and 45) thinking that young women are stupid. It seems as if they no more than we do because they are older. At the Zoo a woman accused my friends and I for cutting in the line to see the baby elephant. We were standing here for approximately 2 minutes and she said "These people are being very rude cutting in." So I turned around and apologised and asked which way we were supposed to go, she then said, almost spitting on me, "Then go back!" This made me extremely mad and to top it off another woman remarked "That's generation Y for you!" Generation Y is a category of aged people not a stereotype! It seems that is exactly what it has become, a stereotype! Today at work a woman asked to order some food after closing, I had to tell her the machines were off so they would have to order alternate foods and she continued to argue with me. It wasn't just what she said but how she said it and the way she looked at me, as if I was an insignificant girl who she could push around and manipulate into doing something she demanded. This is not fair. It is the young women of this generation who will soon be running everything that you know of! Give us a break, we do the best we can and if older women, or anyone else for that matter has a problem I'm sure you can talk to us calmly. And I ask of you, talk to us equally, we live in the same world.
On another note, here are some photos from my photoshoot for my visual communications and design unit 3. I'm designing a teapot with an asian theme. To see more visit my flickr! http://www.flickr.com/photos/48723998@N08/ or search E Patience or ellypatience. And thank you to Ashlee M for being my beautiful model and the bf Nick F for being my lighting director :)

P.S. stay tuned for some awesome pictures by some gorgeous young french girls!!!!
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