April 26, 2010


The past week or so has seen out misunderstandings, a Kelly Clarkson concert, SACs, a rolled ankle, Fame the musical, birthdays, an 18th Birthday party, a 1st Birthday party and a night in the city. Needless to say they were followed by blood, sweat and plenty of tears. Have you ever played a game called Chuzzle? Look it up so this anecdote makes sense. The object of the game is to line up coloured fuzzy critters and win points, but the fun of the game is to tickle the critters until they explode. That's how I felt. I've been clicked and clicked and clicked until it has finally made me explode! I seemed to be handling/juggling everything so well right up until I rolled my ankle. It didn't hurt so much but I cried...and cried and cried and didn't stop until I was home. It was just that one last click that made me pop. The recovery methods however have been good. The nurses advice: "48 hours without thinking about school or picking up study." ...I took 72 hours. Song and dance, cakes and chocolate and a lovely night in Melbourne spent at the Rendezvou hotel with my fantastically tolerant boyfriend Nick.

Photography: Nick Fry

Photography: Elly Patience

Photography: Nick Fry; Editing: Elly Patience

Photography: Nick Fry; Editing: Elly Patience

Photography: Nick Fry; Editing: Elly Patience

Photography: Molly Jane

Photography: Nick Fry

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