However, their enemy, the creature of the complete opposite nature which instills confidence in you...Mummybear! This creature preys on unhappiness, bringing out the confidence and pride within you that you thought had been drowned among tears and blotched by puffy eyelids, ensuring your success in life no matter what evil creatures fight you.
Speaking of success, what an unexpected success 'Much Ado About Nothing' was! Everything really came together at the very last minute! And I never thought I'd make friends liek the ones I have gained from this experience. And the compliments! My God! I never really thought of myself as an actress, I've always been the musician. Let me quote the year 8 kid who jumped in front of me on my way to class the other day, "Hey! You! You were really good in the play." WOO! Hahaha I've had various compliments and shit however that one really made me feel happy about myself. And sad that it is over and I have to keep doing stuff I hate. Boo. So, here I am rambling about my boring year 12 life and searching for interesting blogs instead of reading Frankenstein (a great piece of literature but...blaaaah blaaah blaaah blaaaah) or talking to my boyfriend. I wish I had a "look" to give you but I don't have time for those things, but here is a painting by Rupert Bunny created in 1892 (I think). It pleases me and makes me feel calm :)

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