So...school started on Monday, pretty cruisy only two classes and an assembly with year 7s. Tuesday...TAKE COVER!!! I felt under attack with bombardments of information, things that HAVE to be done and pressure from teachers. It didn't help that I started at 8am with a period 0 and had no study period throughout the day. After school was play rehearsals where over 30 kids sat in a stinking hot theatre talking about their contribution to the play and then go straight from the rehearsal finishing at 6.35 to dinner for Dad's birthday AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! Needless to say, Wednesday I came home, turned on he fan, flopped on my bed and cried. The days and the information was heavy for a little girl like me with a EXTREMELY LOW STRESS CAPACITY! Once I'd begun my first piece of homework whilst wiping away the tears I settled. I woke up happy and calm today, cruising through classes a little easier. This, I believe, was because of the pep talk Nick gave me on the phone. He spoke about how it really isn't the end of he world, if I work myself too hard I'll burn out and if I keep talking about the negatives he'll split...but not really hahaha I believe that it was also the idea that very soon I'll get into a routine and things will run alot more smoothly.
Now that I've ramble ramble rambled I will leave you with two things. One: 8 sleeps until we move house (and two parties of which I will photograph my clothing). Two: a short passage from a book that I had to briefly analyse for Literature called Carnal Innocence - 'But it sure would be nice to have some space big enough for him to move without constantly bumping into things. His mind immediately leaped back to it's previous obsession. It'd be nice to have enough space for him and Caitlin both to do some maneuvering. "Damn."' ...HA!
All I can say is thank god for Nick ahaha but seriously. Glad you're calmer now little lady :)