When I purposely eliminate the longing to do anything I usually do, just for a break, I find that...I have nothing to do. My usual past-times include song writing, facebook, drawing and boyfriend. You see I didn't do so well in music class last year, so I haven't picked up my drumsticks since my last performance. Facebook bores me as all my friends are away which means there aren't any interesting weekend photos to geez at, only constant posts by the people I don't know about things I don't care about. Motivation has been sucked from me whilst the boyfriend is over seas, I think this is because my passion and happiness is really brought out in him (gag), meaning I'm in creative drought. Don't get me wrong my friends also bring such feeling but my motives and longing are temporarily missing so I don't make an effort. That is sad. Alas! As my mind kicks back into gear, with the ending of holidays, long work shifts and the boyfriend's trip I will put down the playstation3 controller and blog my stuffs and stuffs.
Welcome to what I wish to be my thought centre and creative expression page. God I sound like a hippy drama teacher, "find your centre...express your thoughts...let your mind go...ramble ramble ramble!" This is my blog. This is what I see. This is what I think. My Life and Lights.
Ready, Set, Go.
P.S. My favourite colour is Yellow, season is Winter and website is LookBook. Bye.
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